This world has so much beauty. Have you ever listened to the sound of rushing water???
It is a peaceful sound for me, yet a stirring one too. I remember when I was a kid and my family would go on a fishing trip on the upper Canadian River. It was so beautiful up there . I loved to just sit on the river bank and listen to the water rushing through the rocks. the canyon walls, the trees... OMG they were awesome... The fishing interested my dad and my brother... the scenery and the camping was my forte...
My dad would wake up early and get a campfire going... and soon you could smell bacon frying and that followed by potatos and eggs... My hunger was doubled up their in the mountains and canyons... and every thing tasted devine...
My dad.. a natural born philosopher .. said just be really quiet and listen to the silence....
I never heard so much in my life.... the birds.. the wind.. the river... and the sound of the birds wings touching the breeze in flight...
he taught me to love and appreciate all the gifts that God had given...
more than that.. he taught me to take care of them....
take the time to listen to the sounds of silence......